
Welcome to the research program at The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development. One of the fundamental goals of The Johnson Center is to provide a strong collaborative environment for both basic and applied autism research. This goal is based on the belief that effective interventions follow from a better understanding of the causes and symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. By understanding differences across the autism spectrum, we hope to better define subgroups in order to identify specific targeted interventions.

Many people are not aware of the importance of research in understanding these disorders. Studies of etiology and of therapeutic interventions depend on the participation of many dedicated families and individuals. All participants in our studies are evaluated by our multidisciplinary team, and may receive a no-cost evaluation including comprehensive diagnostic testing (e.g., ADOS and/or ADI-R), nutritional assessment, and metabolic testing during their participation. 

We believe that research is the key. By joining a research study you really can make a difference in the lives of families living with autism. If you’re interested in having your child or family member participate, please contact us at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). The Johnson Center recruits children with autism, parents, unaffected siblings, and typically developing children (control subjects) for our research studies.

We are so grateful to the families who participate in our studies. If your child has participated in our research program in the past, thank you.

Laura Hewitson, PhD                                   
Research Director                                                      
The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development